As a Therapeutic Foster Carer you will support the child’s behaviour and development.
Foster Care
Foster care provides a safe family environment for children who cannot, for lots of different reasons, live with their own families. Here we set out exactly what foster carers do and how to become one.

About Foster Care
Fostering means accepting a child as part of your family when they have to be away from their own. It could be for a night, a month, a year or several years. At the heart of any foster placement is a dedication to make a difference – to change the course of a child’s life.
Foster care regulation
To become a foster carer you will be assessed by a social worker and approved as a foster carer with your local authority or fostering agency. There are many different types of fostering and the role is categorised for tax purposes as self-employed.
Explore the different foster caring opportunities
As a parent and child foster carer you will share your parenting skills with the child’s parent.
As a Short-Breaks Foster Carer you will care for a child overnight, for a week or at weekends.
As a long-term foster carer you will be matched with the right foster child for as long as they need you.
As a Short-term Foster Carer you will provide care for the child and work with the fostering team on the journey to securing the long-term ‘permanence’ plan for the child or young person.
Explore some of roles within the fostering service
As a Fostering Recruitment Officer you will be the first point of contact for a potential foster carer.
As a Fostering Team Manager you are responsible for the management of the fostering service.
As a Fostering Support Worker you are responsible for the kinship of foster carer’s connections with all their connected persons.
As a Supervising Social Worker, you will be the main link between the foster carer and the fostering service.