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We are currently running our residential children's home campaign from 10 - 30 March.

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Submit a job

Promote your job vacancies with us. It's easy to use and you can publish, manage and monitor your job vacancies in one place.

This page is to help guide employers through the process of creating a WeCare Wales account to upload and manage care job vacancies.

To log in or sign up visit the Dashboard.

Step one - Signing in

  1. Enter your email or click the blue 'Sign up now' button to create a new account.

Note: If you are registered with Social Care Wales you can enter the same email address and password and skip to Step 3.

Preview of the page they will see when signing up

Step two - Verify your email and create your account

  1. Enter your email: Input your email address in the provided field.
  2. Send verification code: Click the button to send a digit verification code to your email.
  3. Enter verification code: Check your email for the six-digit verification code and enter it in the designated field.
  4. Create password: Set a new password for your account.
  5. Add personal details: Enter your name and surname and press the 'Create' button.
  6. Return to WeCare Wales website: After completing these steps, you will be redirected back to the WeCare Wales website.

Note: check your junk file and the subject line will display 'SCWonline-GCCarlein account email verification code

Step three - Select an organisation

Next, you will either need to follow step three or four of these instructions.

  1. Select an organisation:
  • Begin typing your organisation’s name in the search field.
  • If your organisation appears, double check the organisation's details and address before you select it.

Note: If your organisation does not appear you'll need to skip to step four and create a new organisation.

  • It's important to know that if you work at a different address to what appears, you can add a new address.

2. Submit organisation account:

  • Once you submit the organisation account you want access to, your dashboard will open.
  • A message will appear: “Your account is being approved for one or more of your organisations.”

3. Approval process: only applies to job managers.

  • To gain access, the job manager of 'the selected care company' must approve your request.
  • To approve access the job manager will receive an email alert from WeCare Wales, and the individual requesting access will appear under their 'Managed Organisations' section in 'My Details'.
  • Here, you can either approve or suspend the individual.
  • Once the job manager approves the request, the individual will receive an email alert and gain access and become a job poster.

Additional information

  • Job Managers: These are individuals who set up the original accounts and have the authority to approve employees.
  • Job Posters: Approved employees who can post vacancies for your organisation.

Step four - Create an Organisation

1. Create an organisation- if your company is not already registered.

  • Fill in all sections of the organisation application form and press submit.
  • If you miss a section of this form it will alert you with the following notification "There was a problem with your submission, please check the form for errors".
  • Be patient when submitting your details as this can take a few moments to load.

2. Approval process

  • Once completed your account will display a notification informing you that your account is now under the approval of WeCare Wales.
  • Once your account has been approved you will be alerted via email to sign into your account. This usually takes 48-72 hours.

Employer dashboard