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WeCare Wales are at the National Eisteddfod and sponsoring the day on 6 August with our Care Day.

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20 August 2019

Mair Aubrey Service Manager Joins Us at Summer Events

Over the summer period Mair Aubrey, who featured in our video stories has been busy supporting WeCare Wales all over the country raising the profile of care workers.

Mair joined us at the Royal Welsh Agricultural Show in Builth Wells and the National Eisteddfod in Llanrwst. Both events highlighted the important role working in care has in making a difference to people’s lives.

She spoke passionately about her experiences as a Service Manager in North Wales.

Mair said: “I was always pushed in school to go to university or nursing, but I knew I wanted to go into care.

Care was never seen as a career but there is so much more to the work than people think.

The feeling you get of helping someone to achieve something they want to do is amazing.”

We’re always looking for new people to become involved with WeCare Wales. If you work in care and would like to share your story please get in touch.

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If you’re thinking of a career in care, take a look at our jobs board to get an idea of the type of roles available.