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We are currently running our residential children's home campaign from 10 - 30 March.

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Work placement

Experience of work in health, social care, playwork, early years and childcare services is crucial to bridge the gap between education or training and the world of work. 

At its best, it can open people’s eyes to jobs they had never thought of, inform career decisions and provide valuable experience for job applications and entry to higher education.

Work placements for learners

Social Care Wales's guidance and support for learners (school pupils and their parents/carers, students, job seekers, returners to work) on what you should expect from work placements, how to make sure the placement is suitable and know what will be expected of you.

Work placements for employers

Guidance for employers who want to invest in and support the development of the future workforce, motivating and inspiring people to work in the sectors. Here's information about what you should have in place to meet the needs of learners, regulatory or legislative requirements and how to maximise benefits for your service setting/provision.

If you’re thinking of a career in care, take a look at our jobs portal to get an idea of the type of roles available.