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27 August 2021

Billy the Superhero: Teacher resource

Billy the Superhero book coverChildren’s book

In 2018, primary school pupils based in Gwent helped produce a bilingual book aimed at inspiring children to become the health and social care workers of the future. Blenheim Road Community Primary School pupils worked with the Gwent Regional Partnership Team, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and Petra Publishing to produce Billy the Superhero.

Through Billy’s story, the book introduces the important roles played by people who provide care and support in our hospitals and communities. The book aims to spark an interest in the rewarding career prospects amongst younger children.

Copies of Billy the Superhero have been made available to every primary school, library and GP practice in Gwent.

Books are available free of charge to primary schools in Wales (as long as stocks last) by emailing:

Books can also be purchased directly from Petra Publishing, a not for profit social enterprise, Simply leave them a purchase request on the contact section of their website:


Teachers resource

With the support of the University of South Wales a teacher’s resource has now been developed that supports key stage 2 pupils to discuss and explore some of the key themes raised in the story.

Several bilingual animations featuring key characters from the book have been developed to inspire wider discussion around seven key themes:

  • aspirations
  • kindness and communication
  • caring and decision making
  • crisis skills
  • being a professional
  • other roles in the health and social care sector.

The teacher’s resource will be published on Hwb, the digital platform for learning and teaching in Wales at the end of August as part of Hwb’s free tools and resources.

All partners involved in this project hope the Billy the Superhero book and accompanying teacher’s resource inspire children to become, like Billy, the superheroes of the future.


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