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19 May 2020

Meet Emma, the poet behind our television advert

Our recent television advert features the voice of Emma, reading her poem “Just a Carer” that she wrote for and performed on Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience programme, filmed at College Fields nursing home in Barry.

We asked her what it’s like being part of our campaign…


Just a Carer - Emma SL Pinnell_ENG

How do you feel about being featured in our television advert?

I feel very honoured that my poem is being used for the WeCare Wales advert. I feel a little overwhelmed and shocked that my poem has sparked such interest.

It gives me a great sense of pride to see and hear that my poem has resonated and touched so many people. It’s heart-warming and makes me proud to call myself a healthcare professional.


What do you think of the television advert?

It highlights the amazing work that the care sector does to make residents happy and to help people live well within the community – be that in their own home or in a care home.

I hope it highlights that life doesn’t stop when you come into a care home, it’s just a new chapter to learn new skills, make new friends and have fun.


What’s it like working in care?

I love my job and it’s so rewarding. It’s a privilege to be able to care for someone else, to look after them when they need help and support.
Hopefully we’ve helped shine a little light on how wonderful and amazing a job in care can be. I encourage everyone who has thought about working in care it to give it a go – it might turn out to be the best job you’ve ever had!



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