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15 April 2020

Carers going above and beyond

When a resident in his 90’s at Tŷ Heulog Independent Living, Talbot Green, lost his wife of over 70 years and was unable to attend the funeral, the staff decided to arrange a private wake for him.

A previous resident at Tŷ Heulog, Monty’s wife had moved to Anwen Care Home, Bridgend, where he would visit her by taxi three times a week.

Knowing that Monty was unable to attend the funeral, Tŷ Heulog staff arranged a short service to replicate his wife’s official service, including his chosen music and verses. The staff also arranged plates of food and home baked cakes for the wake.

Tŷ Heulog Independent Living fundraiserAware of the effects of residents being separated from their loved ones during COVID-19, Melanie Walters, Scheme Manager, and her team decided to set up a JustGiving fundraising page. The team set a target of £200 for the NHS to buy digital devices, to enable victims of COVID-19 to contact their loved ones.

Keeping up moral, the team have been busy thinking of creative ways to raise money. Demi-leigh Walters used her day off to give staff haircuts, Kian Oliver had his legs waxed and David Jones dyed his hair blue in support of the NHS. Tŷ Heulog’s local Tesco even donated 42 Easter eggs – one each for the residents.

So far Tŷ Heulog have raised over £500 for the NHS!

If you know any carers that are going the extra mile, please contact us.



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