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WeCare Wales are at the National Eisteddfod and sponsoring the day on 6 August with our Care Day.

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Employer News

05 April 2022

Canopi -mental health support for NHS and social care staff across Wales

Canopi is free for social care and NHS staff in Wales and has access to various levels of mental health support.

Canopi aim to provide support to those with symptoms and conditions such as:

  • feeling overwhelmed and distressed
  • anxiety and depression
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Through Canopi you can access:

  • self-help
  • guided self-help
  • peer support
  • virtual face-to-face consultations
  • alcohol support service


How to contact them

  1. Complete their referral form
  2. Email at
  3. Call 0800 058 2738


For more information visit:

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