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WeCare Wales are at the National Eisteddfod and sponsoring the day on 6 August with our Care Day.

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23 March 2020

WeCare Wales Jobs

Social care employers, we want to help address the staff shortages you might be facing right now.

Now more than ever, people are needed to provide care and support to those who are vulnerable in our communities.

To help you find the right people to fill your vacancies and support your business, we’re creating a jobs portal that will list current social care jobs in Wales.

To make this happen, we need you to post your job vacancies on Twitter from your channels, including the following details:

  • Job title
  • Local authority (if the role covers more than one authority, include each)
  • Brief description of role
  • Must include hashtag: #WeCareWalesJobs

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Find a job in care

If you’re thinking of a career in care, take a look at our jobs board to get an idea of the type of roles available.