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Damien’s story - Parenting Support Worker


I became aware of social care after receiving custody of my young children. I left a wellpaid job in construction to look after them. I was supported by social services as a young parent and found the support invaluable.

I was referred onto Flying Start and went onto a parenting programme, as I wanted to be a better father. I attended every course that was available to help me develop. I also received first-hand experience of benefits, support from citizens advice and how to navigate the support system.

I was later encouraged to apply for a position as a Parenting Support Worker with Flying Start. Although it was very different to my role in construction, there were transferable skills such as planning, honesty and building relationships.

The values you need to hold to work in social care include:

  • Empathy
  • Non-judgemental
  • Being open
  • Reliability

Damien's story

Recently I helped the ‘Davies family’* with an eviction notice, I don’t use jargon it’s about keeping it simple. I like to work with the family every step of the way, so they feel supported.

Early intervention is very important especially when stability and security is concerned. There can be a lot of emotional stress associated with such life events; as moving home.

I work with families where there are debt issues, substance misuse, domestic abuse and mental health concerns.

This type of work makes me feel I am making a difference; I feel proud and worthwhile. Working in social care has giving me; a security, a sense of achievement, ability to work flexibly and it’s a great job.

Social care means to me, bringing the community together and making it stronger.

Family name has been changed*

Referenced to WJEC – GCSE Health, Social Care and Childcare

  • Part 1.3: Early Intervention, understanding life events.
  • Part 2.3: Indicators of health.
  • Part 2.3: Risks to health and well-being

Teachers support

  1. List five of the different life events.
  2. List a number of lifestyle factors that can cause a negative impact.
  3. How can this life event have a negative impact on the Davies family?
  4. Name two unhealthy lifestyle choices and why they can be damaging.

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