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WeCare Wales are at the National Eisteddfod and sponsoring the day on 6 August with our Care Day.

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Izzy & Tyne at Coleg Gwent

Health and Social Care Students

Izzy and Tyne are students on the BTEC Health and Social Care course at Coleg Gwent. Through valuable partnerships, the course provides students with opportunities to put learning into practice during work placements, helping them develop the skills and experience they need to come into the sector once qualified.

Q&A with Izzy & Tyne

What perspectives do young people have of the care sector?

A lot of young people associate it with direct care and think it’s just boring. But at the end of the day, it’s really rewarding because it’s all about people.

What is something interesting you’ve learnt so far?

We had two professionals come and talk to us about being Digital Heroes. Elderly people can often find themselves home alone all day, so teaching them how to use apps beneficially can really make a big difference.

How will this course impact on your future career?

It’s helped expand my knowledge and skills while on placements and made me realise how much I enjoy being able to make people happy. Just seeing their reactions really makes my day.

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