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WeCare Wales are at the National Eisteddfod and sponsoring the day on 6 August with our Care Day.

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Gareth Smitham

Computer Instructor

Helping people build their confidence and achieve any goals they have in IT and computing is what Gareth’s role is all about. Gareth previously worked in Engineering and is now a Computer Instructor at Swansea Vale Resource Centre which provides support for physically disabled adults.

Q&A with Gareth

How did you get into the role?

I got into the sector by luck after being made redundant as an engineer. After a couple of months in the role, getting to work with the people I was working with completely won me over and here I am 26 years later.

To you, what’s the most rewarding part?

Definitely the people I work with and getting to see them grow in confidence.

What advice do you have for anyone considering a career in social care?

If you do get the opportunity, take it and give it a try.

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