Gwynedd Council offers an attractive employment package, for more information please click on this Information Pack
(This is an advertisement for the post of Cook at Plas Maesincla, Caernarfon in the Adult Health and Wellbeing. Gwynedd Council operates internally through the medium of Welsh, and offers all its services bilingually. The applicant will be required to reach the linguistic level noted as one of the essential skills in the Person Specification.)
We encourage everyone who applies for a job with Gwynedd Council to submit job applications in Welsh or bilingually. ( Applications submitted in English only or Welsh only will always be treated equally, but we ask applicants to consider carefully what the linguistic requirements of the job in question is and if it would be more appropriate to submit an application in Welsh.)
If you are successful to be short listed for an interview you will be contacted by E-MAIL using the address provided on your application form or by letter. You need to ensure that you check your email regularly.
Recruitment Pack Adults, Health and Well-being Department (1).pdf
If you would like support to apply, Gwaith Gwynedd is available to help Gwynedd residents get into work - for more information click here .
Person Specification
Personal attributes Essential A hard-working and organised person.
Sensitive, committed with the ability to work in a way that respects the rights of the individual at all times.
Able to operate as a member of a team.
Desirable -
Qualifications and relevant training Essential -
Desirable Food Hygiene Certificate
Training in health and safety e.g. manual handling or first aid
Relevant experience Essential -
Desirable Experience of preparing tasty and simple food for a number of people
Experience of domestic work
Awareness of people with learning disabilities
Skills and specialist knowledge Essential Good cooking skills
Possesses good interpersonal skills
Good communication skills
Understanding of the needs of people with learning disabilities
Desirable -
Language requirements Listening and Speaking - Intermediate Able to maintain a fluent conversation on a number of various everyday subjects, and discuss cases involving the field of work.Able to follow a discussion in Welsh, in Clear Welsh, on familiar matters relating to the post. Able to contribute to the conversation and answer questions.
Reading and Understanding - Intermediate Understand everyday correspondence on familiar issues at work.Understand longer reports in Clear Welsh and be able to pick up the main points. (help may be required with the vocabulary).
Writing - Intermediate Able to write letters for a specific purpose, e-mails and short reports in Welsh and English, using vocabulary and simple phrases that are familiar to the field of work. (They will need to be checked before being sent out).
Job Description
Purpose of the post • Ensure that the people of Gwynedd are at the heart of everything we do.
• Assist with the organisation and management of the kitchen and deputise on behalf of the Cook in their absence.
• The duties will include preparing food and drink, cooking meals in accordance with the menus, preparing and catering these, washing dishes and general cleaning duties.
Responsibility for functions • Responsibility for staff, finance and kitchen equipment in the cook's absence. Inform the manager and/or the property section and/or another agency of any defect in the kitchen building or equipment associated with the kitchen
Main duties • Ensure that service users keep their dignity, independence and rights at all times. An integral part of this is to ensure that the users have an opportunity to choose their food every day and have an input to the type of food provided.
• Support the cook to maintain meetings with Service Users in order to learn and get to know them.
• To have the willingness to learn to prepare meals for individuals with complex needs.
• Committed to supporting cookery activities with service users.
• To collaborate with organising themed evenings.
• Assist the cook and in the absence of the cook, to ensure that the kitchen's organisation and administration is effective and efficient and complies with relevant Health and Safety legislation and the Council's policies and guidance.
• Assist the cook and in the absence of the cook, order, prepare, cook and serve nutritious and tasty food for the service users in a clean environment, in compliance with the relevant guidance.
• Assist the cook and in the absence of the cook, plan and follow a menu and consider nutritional needs.
• Control meal sizes in accordance with the relevant guidelines and the wishes of service users.
• Adhere to cleaning arrangements, and update the schemes.
• Report on any defects in the kitchen, including property matters.
• Support the cook to ensure that the kitchen does not fall below standards.
• Attend and participate in staff meetings.
• Attend relevant training for the post.
• Comply with the relevant requirements; 'Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016'.
• Agree to any medical investigation considered to be of benefit to the worker and/or the Service.
• Responsibility for self-development.
• Ensure compliance with Health and Safety rules in the workplace in accordance with the responsibilities noted in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Council's Health and Safety Policy.
• Operate within the Council's policies in relation to equal opportunities and equality.
• Responsible for managing information in accordance with the Council's information management guidelines. Ensure that personal information is treated in accordance with Data Protection legislation.
• Commitment to reducing the Council's carbon emissions in accordance with the Carbon Management Plan, and to encourage others to act positively towards reducing the Council's Carbon Footprint.
• Undertake any other reasonable duty which corresponds to the salary level and responsibility level of the job.
• Responsibility to report any concern or suspicion that a child or vulnerable adult is being abused.
Special circumstances • To be prepared in an emergency to respond to a call to support another care home in the area
How to apply
View full job description and apply on the employers website