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Welsh language information

Following legislation and developments in language policy, service providers need to take reasonable steps to ensure that they have proportionate, appropriate and adequate staffing arrangements in place to provide a bilingual care service. By enhancing the workforce’s Welsh language skills, knowledge and understanding of bilingualism, this can help deliver better care services for everyone.

Legislation and policy in Wales require that Welsh language services in care are:

  • of the same standard and are as easily and promptly available as English medium services
  • as wide-ranging and thorough
  • organisations shouldn’t assume English as the default language when providing their services
  • Welsh speakers should not be required to ask for a service in Welsh.

Here are some useful links to Welsh language standards, planning and awareness. Information on rights, Welsh language schemes, and guidance to support delivery of a bilingual service.

More than just words

‘More than just words’ is the Welsh Government’s Strategic Framework for the Welsh Language in Health and Social Care.

Its aim is:

  • to ensure that the language needs of Welsh speakers are met
  • to provide Welsh language services for those who need it
  • to demonstrate that language plays an important part in the quality of care and isn’t seen as an “add-on”.

Both Welsh speakers and non-Welsh speakers alike have a part to play in delivering Welsh language services.

The Welsh Government has identified four priority groups for whom Welsh language services are very important. The groups are:

  • children
  • older people
  • people with learning disabilities
  • people with mental health problems.

These priority groups are very vulnerable if they do not receive care in their chosen language.

More than just words

More than just words is Welsh Government’s strategic framework for promoting the Welsh language in health and social care.

The 'Active Offer'

The ‘Active Offer’ means to provide a service in Welsh without having to ask for it. Welsh language services should be as available to users as the English language.

Actively offering Welsh language services ensures that people’s needs are understood and met and that those who access care services can rely on being treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.

To not actively offer Welsh language services may result in people’s dignity and respect being compromised.

How to assess Welsh language skills

The Welsh Language Skills in your workforce – has been designed to support the requirements of ‘More than Just Words’ by helping employers and managers identify what Welsh language skills their workforce have.

This resource includes a self-assessment that works out people’s skills in speaking, writing and reading Welsh from basic to fluent. All levels are important and much needed in the social care sector in Wales.