Volunteering in care homes

How can volunteers add to the quality of life of residents and families, as well as supporting care home staff?
Care homes in Wales have been struggling with immense pressures, due to Covid related restrictions, including visiting, socially isolated residents and increased incidence of illness and death.
Over the past year, two pilot projects have been developing volunteering in care homes, with a view to providing support during this particularly difficult time.
Age Cymru worked with seven care homes across Wales to develop volunteering, with the initial specific purpose of enabling visiting during the Covid pandemic.
Flintshire Local Voluntary Council (FLVC) worked with Flintshire County Council Social Services department to recruit and link volunteers with care homes throughout the county.
The Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) are holding a “Volunteering in care homes – challenges and possibilities” event on, 26 January between 2–3:30pm to share:
- How these projects came about
- The challenges they faced
- Their learning and resources
- The opportunities and potential for developing volunteering more widely within care homes in Wales.
If you have your own experience and insights to contribute to this important discussion, sign up to the event here.