UNISON Cymru Wales offer free learning for social care workers across Wales.
Unison Cymru Wales provide courses, workshops and conferences aimed at building the skills and confidence of the public service workforce. They provide advice, guidance and signpost individuals to their learning and development needs.
Non-UNISON members can attend courses as part of their continued professional development (CPD). It is the responsibility of individuals to inform their employer of their attendance and to update their CPD.
UNISON Cymru/Wales provide courses, including:
- Promoting Independence
- Report Writing in Social Care
- Reflective Practice
- Life Story Reminiscence Therapy.
Wales Union Learning Fund (WULF) Social Care webinars, include:
- Ageing & Disability - 17 January
- Managing for the First Time - 18 January (three modules)
- Menopause Awareness - 19 January
- Boundaries of Care - 25 January
- Meaning of Home - 2 February
- Time Management – 6 March
- Lego Based Therapy – 9 March
To book a place, visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/unison-cymru-wales-learning-26847787113.
Courses can be replicated (or made more bespoke) to staff within a particular organisation/employer (run in partnership between WULF and the employer, funded by WULF). They are Welsh Government funded, so participants don’t need to be a UNISON member to be eligible for funding. For more details on WULF funding, visit: https://cymru-wales.unison.org.uk/learning/partnerships/
Contact UNISON Cymru/Wales at:
Website: cymru-wales.unison.org.uk/learning/
Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/cc/social-care-learning-1018319
Email: Cymruwaleswulf@unison.co.uk
Twitter: @UNISONCymruDysg