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Employer News

20 May 2022

HSC Workforce Survey

Health and social care workers’ quality of working life and coping while working during a Covid-19 Pandemic: Phase 5 (May – July 2022) 

This study aims to explore the health and wellbeing concerns relating to nurses’, midwives’, Allied Health Professionals’ (AHPs), social care workers’ and social workers’ professional quality of life and coping during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

This is the fifth survey in a series of surveys aimed at exploring the health and wellbeing of nurses, midwives, AHPs, social care workers and social workers in UK during the Pandemic.

Responses from both those who participated in any of the first four surveys, as well as people who haven’t responded before would be greatly appreciated.

The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete and is in complete confidence. The survey is available in both Welsh and English here.

It’s open until 8 July 2022 at 12pm.

The reports from the first four surveys, including the Executive Summaries with Good Practice Guidance can be found on the following website

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