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Employer News

20 July 2022

Dementia care toolkit

Social Care Wales have produced a simple Dementia care and support learning and development implementation toolkit.

This practical guide will help organisations put the dementia Good Work framework into practice. The toolkit includes resources for people living with dementia, their families and any type of profession supporting people with dementia.

The toolkit will:

  • help you come together with other interested people to self-assess learning and development
  • help you present evidence for investing in dementia learning and development
  • help you to find what’s working well and make improvements
  • help you develop core skills based on person-centred care, for all staff who have contact with people with dementia and their families
  • help you work with others to plan and provide continuous learning and development
  • help you provide learning and development to meet the different needs of people with dementia and their families
  • provide accessible tools that you can use to put learning and development in person-centred care into practice
  • help you develop a range of learning and development methods to meet the diverse learning needs of your workforce
  • be a ‘live’ tool that can evolve alongside developments in education and training for dementia care.


To access the toolkit, visit Dementia care and support learning and development implementation toolkit | Social Care Wales

For any queries, please contact

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