Mudiad Meithrin's apprenticeship programme
Delyth Evans is responsible for three of Mudiad Meithrin’s nurseries across Wales, including Llangefni, Aberystwyth and Pontypridd. Between them, these nurseries employ around 80 staff members and look after 400 children aged between eight weeks old to 12 years who receive full day care from these services.

Why do you have an apprenticeship programme?
Recruiting new staff is challenging, and we know that there are staff shortages across the sector which makes it even more challenging for us as a Welsh nursery to recruit qualified Welsh speaking staff.
Mudiad Meithrin’s apprenticeship scheme began in 2019. The apprenticeships are open to anyone interested in starting a career in child care. Hopefully this opportunity will attract people into the sector, as well as keeping Welsh speaking students within the Welsh medium sector.
How many apprentices have completed the programme?
We currently have four students aged between 18-45 years old that are working with us in our Welsh medium day nurseries. They are all undertaking their Level 3 in Child Care, Play, Learning and Development practitioner. We have already offered three of our apprentices full-time employment once they qualify.
"I have received a positive and supportive experience with my tutors, co-workers and location. It’s been an excellent way of gaining work experience as well as achieving a qualification at the same time."

"I have enjoyed the apprenticeship scheme up to now. I went into it not knowing if I’d enjoy it, but I enjoy every minute. It has given me the opportunity to meet and work alongside wonderful people.
The apprenticeship has given me hands on experience working with children and has reassured me of my career path."

What is your recruitment process?
The apprenticeships roles are advertised through the Mudiad Meithrin website. Candidates are asked to fill in an application for the apprenticeship before being invited to an interview. If successful, they can then be referred to us, to a Cylch Meithrin or school to undertake the apprenticeship role.
If they do not have the required GCSE level in maths and language they can access this with support from their tutor via the apprenticeship.
What are the benefits of doing an apprenticeship?
Apprentices can train while working with us and are required to work a minimum of 16 hours a week as part of the training contract. They can also work additional hours and earn a salary while studying.
We offer great employment benefits, flexible hours, and mentoring to all our staff including our apprentices. When individuals qualify, we do our best to offer them employment.
As an employer we emphasise the importance of continuing professional development. We offer additional training such as first aid, food hygiene, child protection, and training such as den building, woodwork, language immersion and much more through Academi Mudiad Meithrin’s training portal.
They get an opportunity to work alongside qualified and experienced staff. They see good practice in child care and the benefits of learning through play with children of all ages. They learn and understand the importance of children’s routine and the care needs that are required.
They also learn about the importance of policies, procedures, and regulations. They are part of the team and have regular one-to-one sessions with a work buddy.
If they wish to learn further and develop their career, they can access both Level 4 and 5 in National Vocational Qualification Management to become a Deputy Manager or Manager Role. They can also access various other courses through universities at degree level.
Why complete an apprenticeship through the medium of Welsh?
We offer Welsh language support through Mudiad Meithrin’s schemes, “Croesi’r Bont” and “Camau” if they are not confident Welsh speakers.
Working in a Welsh environment will help improve their confidence if they are not fluent Welsh speakers themselves. Being bilingual will benefit them greatly when pursuing a career in the future in Wales.