Menna's apprenticeship journey
Name: Menna Treadgold
Job: Apprentice
Apprenticeship qualification: Level 3 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development (CCPLD)

In April 2024, I completed my Level 3 CCPLD. I followed this with my transition award, which I passed in October. To progress further, I have enrolled in the Level 4 course and am looking forward to completing it.
Following the completion of my apprenticeship, I hope to further my career in childcare, achieve additional qualifications, and become the best practitioner I can be. Since achieving both Level 3 awards, I have been given extra duties at work, including promoting Welsh provision in the setting, developing cynefin in the setting, and helping to plan and implement our themes. I am heavily invested in providing the children in my care with the best opportunities to learn and develop while ensuring their well-being is at the forefront of our plans.
In addition to enrolling in my Level 4 course, I hope to complete some Forest School training in the new year. One of the managers here is a Forest School leader, and it would be a wonderful opportunity for the children if we could organise more Forest School activities.
All too often, people enter childcare and use it as a stepping stone. They become development officers, teachers, advisors, or tutors. This is not where I see my future. I am well aware of the vital role we play, and although I want to raise the profile of childcare, I want to do this from within. I want to gain more knowledge and understanding and help to raise the standard of care across the sector. Completing my apprenticeship has shown me what a difference we can make. It has given me the knowledge and confidence to voice my ideas, plan and implement activities, make valuable contributions to staff meetings, mentor our Level 2 apprentice, and promote personal development in the setting.
The Level 3 course has provided me with an incredible insight into how children develop. I’ve learned a lot about the new curriculum for Wales and helped to implement it at the setting. My Level 3 course involved following the development of certain children. This was invaluable as it helped me to plan around children’s interests and understand the benefits of in-the-moment planning.
Doing my qualification as an apprenticeship while being employed at a daycare setting was, in my opinion, the best way to learn. As well as all the theory and knowledge gained, I also learned about working as part of a team and the wonderful contributions everyone makes.
In the future, I hope to achieve my Level 5 and have looked into completing a degree in childcare. I believe that it is essential to raise the bar in childcare, with a range of staff including highly qualified, well-motivated individuals. The more we learn, the further we advance our knowledge, and the better equipped we are to provide amazing care for our future generations.